Zoe | Collie Mix | Bakersfield, CA

Welcome to OLK9 Zoe! She will be joining us for our 2 week board & train where she will be cleaning up her commands and working on manners. Zoe has been to the dog park a few times but needs more structured dog time and will be learning to respect all dogs and humans. Check back here for updates while we help Zoe become the best version of herself!

Pupdate #2

Weight: 46lbs

Breakfast consumed: All

Dinner consumed: All

Pupdate #3

Weight: 45.88 lbs

Breakfast consumed: All

Dinner consumed: All

Training Highlights: Zoe worked on all the basics today and we instilled some training with leash pressure she can understand the fundamentals of guidance and easily understand the ecollar  Duration commands are going great so far!

Pupdate #4

Weight: 45.3 lbs

Breakfast consumed: All

Dinner consumed: All

Training Highlights:

Leash pressure provides a safety net, preventing Zoe from impulsively chasing after distractions or running away, potentially keeping her out of harm’s way.

Pupdate #5

Weight: 45.68 lbs

Breakfast consumed: All

Dinner consumed: All

Training Highlights:

🌳 Park Training Session! 🐾 Today, we worked wonders with Zoe, mastering the extended ‘sit’ and ‘down’ commands. The park’s natural hustle and bustle, Zoe’s focus was unwavering. Proud of our progress and looking forward to more training adventures! #DogTraining #PawsAndPatience 🐶✨

Pupdate #6

Weight: 45.7 lbs

Breakfast consumed: All

Dinner consumed: All

Training Highlights:Today, we revisited the park with Zoe and focused on furthering our leash distraction training, particularly working on extending recall commands.

Pupdate #7

Weight: 45.87 lbs

Breakfast consumed: All

Dinner consumed: All

Training Highlights:

Zoe’s leash manners and recall commands were put to the test as shoppers bustled around us. It was amazing to see her respond so well to our training, even with distractions.
As Zoe’s confidence grew, so did her enthusiasm for the experience. She began to walk proudly, tail wagging, as we strolled through the shopping center.
This adventure was not just about obedience training; it was about creating a stronger bond with Zoe and helping her feel comfortable in new and sometimes overwhelming environments.

Pupdate #8

Weight: 45. 16 lbs

Breakfast consumed: All

Dinner consumed: All

Training Highlights: Zoe worked on all commands today in a less stimulated environment and did great. It’s important to balance challenging environments along with training in the home and quieter environments.

Pupdate #9

Weight: 45. 22 lbs

Breakfast consumed: All

Dinner consumed: All

Training Highlights: Home depot decided to have an early start to christmas, we took advantage of these giant and noisy props to challenge zoe and ensure that she can complete commands around anything. She did great and had lots of attention on her from other shoppers. We will continue to build her confidence and also challenge her so she is performing command anywhere when she goes home  !

Pupdate #10

Weight: 45. 17  lbs

Breakfast consumed: All

Dinner consumed: All

Pupdate #11

Weight: 45.4 lbs

Breakfast consumed: All

Dinner consumed: All

Pupdate #12

Weight: 45.13 lbs

Breakfast consumed: All

Dinner consumed: All