Sydney | Mini Australian Shepherd | Bakersfield, CA
Introducing Sydney! She is an older Aussie who comes to us with a few behavioral issues that her owners would like to work on. She has had interactions with dogs and kids that have instilled some worry into her owners. She does have a vite history with kids. Sydney will be working on her manners and basic obedience during her stay with us. Stay tuned to watch her progress through these challenges.
Weight : 23.14
Pupdate #2
Weight: 23.23
Breakfast consumed: all
Dinner consumed: all
Training summary:
Pupdate #3
Weight: 23.18
Breakfast consumed: all
Dinner consumed: all
Training summary: Sydney worked on all commands today but focused on her duration sit. We were able to incorporate some distance and duration but will continue to increase the challenge level
Pupdate #4
Weight: 23.14
Breakfast consumed: all
Dinner consumed: all
Training summary:
Pupdate #5
Weight: 23.7
Breakfast consumed: all
Dinner consumed: all
Training summary : Syndey has been doing much better around other dogs. We are striving to introduce him ti different sized dogs and different temperaments in order to accustom her to real life scenarios and teach her how tk properly greet and socialize
Pupdate #6
Weight: 23.74
Breakfast consumed: all
Dinner consumed: all
Pupdate #7
Weight: 23.33
Breakfast consumed: all
Dinner consumed: all
Training summary : Great work today Sydney! She worked on completing duration commands in multiple locations. Dog distractions are most challenging but she did great after some repetition. She is slowly building more confidence daily and showing better manners.
Pupdate #8
Weight: 23.5
Breakfast consumed: all
Dinner consumed: all
Training summary :
Pupdate #9
Weight: 23.12
Breakfast consumed: all
Dinner consumed: all
Training summary : We worked on all commands today around dog distractions and human distractions. She has improved so much when it comes to her distance and duration commands.
Pupdate #10
Weight: 23.18
Breakfast consumed: all
Dinner consumed: all
Training summary : While duration commands were once a challenge, Sydney can now complete commands regardless of distractions and even completed commands off leash. it is important that she is always supervised but she is doing awesome!
Pupdate #11
Weight: 23.09
Breakfast consumed: all
Dinner consumed: all
Training summary : Sydney’s reactions toward other dogs and people have decreased immensely over her time with us. We are so proud of the progress we have seen. We love seeing her grow into a more balanced dog who understand when it is training time and when it is play time.
Pupdate #12
Weight: 23.18
Breakfast consumed: all
Dinner consumed: all
Training summary : Place command has played a huge factor in Sydney’s training. We have been able to use place to give her a mind soemthing a to do but also build her confidence. It will be very important to continue placing her on anything and everything when she goes back home.
Pupdate #13
Weight: 23.18
Breakfast consumed: all
Dinner consumed: all
Training summary : Check out how awesome this pretty girl is doing. This video alone shows lots of improvement and confidence growth within her! We trained at multiple locations today in order to prepare her to go home.
Pupdate #14
Weight: 23.28
Breakfast consumed: all
Dinner consumed: all
Training summary : As our training time with Syd comes to an end we made sure to take one last home depot trip. She loved getting to work and everyone loved seeing her do it! She is a great pup who is learning to love life so much more now that she is not in constant fear or anxiety! Great work Sydney!