Stella | Mix | Bakersfield CA
Let’s welcome Stella! Stella is a timid pup who likes to sun bathe and hang out with her family. She is know to be anxious at times and he family would like to be able to better manage her and prevent future behavioral issues. Stella will be staying with us for a 2 week board & train, stay tuned for her transformation!
Pupdate # 2.
Date: Friday March 3rd, 2023
Weight: 33.80 lbs
Breakfast consumed: 75%
Lunch consumed: 75%
Dinner consumed: 100%
Training Highlights:
Pupdate # 3.
Date: Saturday March 4th, 2023
Weight: 33.75 lbs
Breakfast consumed: 75%
Lunch consumed: 75%
Dinner consumed: 100%
Training Highlights: Commands like sit and down are not too much of a big challenge. Once she is in the command, she holds them, but she sometimes does have difficulty getting into them initially. I have noticed that like mentioned in your letter, she can be possessive of things, and I have got her growling at dogs the moment she’s uncomfortable with them and they are getting close to her.
Pupdate # 4.
Date: Sunday March 5th, 2023
Weight: 34.08 lbs
Breakfast consumed: 100%
Lunch consumed: 100%
Dinner consumed: 100%
Training Highlights:
Pupdate # 5.
Date: Monday March 6th, 2023
Weight: 34.12 lbs
Breakfast consumed: 100%
Lunch consumed: 100%
Dinner consumed: 100%
Training Highlights: Stella has been doing great with her place command! This sweet girl needs some confidence building so we challenged her to jump onto the picnic table and hold commands and she did awesome! After the last few training sessions, her appetite has greatly increased and she has been sleeping and napping very well in the crate over night after a fun day of training.
Pupdate # 6.
Date: Tuesday March 7th, 2023
Weight: 34.15 lbs
Breakfast consumed: 100%
Lunch consumed: 100%
Dinner consumed: 100%
Training Highlights:
Pupdate # 7.
Date: Thursday March 9th, 2023
Weight: 34.16 lbs
Breakfast consumed: 100%
Lunch consumed: 100%
Dinner consumed: 100%
Training Highlights:
Pupdate # 8.
Date: Saturday March 11th, 2023
Weight: 34,15 lbs
Breakfast consumed: 100%
Lunch consumed: 100%
Dinner consumed: 100%
Training Highlights: Stella was a little nervous to jump onto new items to oractuce pace but slowly realized that she was safe and after multiple tries she understood it can be a fun command ! Stella’s confidence has slowly been building to where she can try new things and be in new environments but she can still at times struggle with food possession.
Pupdate # 9.
Date: Saturday March 11th, 2023
Weight: 34,15 lbs
Breakfast consumed: 100%
Lunch consumed: 100%
Dinner consumed: 100%
Training Highlights:
Pupdate # 10.
Date: Sunday March 12th, 2023
Weight: 34,15 lbs
Breakfast consumed: 100%
Lunch consumed: 100%
Dinner consumed: 100%
Training Highlights: Confidence building is a bigger challenger for miss Stella but going to new environments multiples times and trying something new everyday has helped take her away from a fearfully reactive/ skiddish personality, to a more open but cautious one. I can’t to continue to challenge her over the next few days ❤️
Pupdate # 11.
Date: Monday March 13th, 2023
Weight: 34,17 lbs
Breakfast consumed: 100%
Lunch consumed: 100%
Dinner consumed: 100%
Training Highlights: Stella took a trip with the mall with me where she worked on her duration commands, in public manners and ensuring she can be respectful of all dogs and people in public regardless of distractions.
Pupdate # 12.
Date: Tuesday March 14th, 2023
Weight: 34,15 lbs
Breakfast consumed: 100%
Lunch consumed: 100%
Dinner consumed: 100%
Training Highlights:
Pupdate # 13.
Date: Wednesday March 15th, 2023
Weight: 34,17 lbs
Breakfast consumed: 100%
Lunch consumed: 100%
Dinner consumed: 100%
Training Highlights: Stella’s time with us is coming to an end so we took one last trip out in public to continue to build her confidence and work on her skills. she did great completing commands near an easter display that had children and adults walking around and being great distractions! so excited for her to cornice her training journey as she heads back home