
Rocky | French Bulldog | Bakersfield, Ca

Hello everyone! Please welcome Rocky, the one year old French bull dog, to the OLK9 family. Rockys parents have explained to me that they have been struggling with some problems such as jumping up on everyone he meets, barking at other dogs, pulling on the leash, and chasing after the mailman. Please stay tuned to our website in order to view Rockys daily progress over his two week board and train journey, on learning how to become a well mannered and docile good boy!

Pupdate #2

Morning food consumed: 100%

Evening food consumed: 100%

Weight: 10.05 lbs

Rocky is off to a great start on his board and training journey! He is just starting to understand all of his basic obedience command including, come, sit, down, heel, and even extended commands on the place cott. Rocky also is not half as shy that most dogs would be on their first day and is always wagging his little nub every time we take him out to work.

Pupdate #3

Morning food consumed: 100%

Evening food consumed: 100%

Weight: 15.12

Rocky is doing an awesome job so far in his training! He is mastering everything command already and working on improving his extended commands. I have no doubt Rocky’s board and train journey will turn out to be very successful. Please stay tuned to our website in order to view Rocky’s daily progress!

Pupdate #4

Morning food consumed: 100%

Evening food consumed: 100%

Weight: 15.06

Today Rocky’s main focus was to become a master master in the heel command, and he did an amazing job! Rocky is definitely doing better than imagined this early in his board and train journey. One thing Rocky is struggling with is holding extended commands for a long period of time around nearby distractions. Other than that he is doing an incredible job and looking good in the color purple.

Pupdate #5

Morning food consumed: 100%

Evening food consumed: 100%

Weight: 15.05

Confidence building was the main focus for today’s training sessions. Rocky seems to be getting the hang of completing all of his basic commands. Rocky does still struggle to maintain focus while working past distractions such as loud noises, dogs, and nearby moving objects. We are working every day in order to desensitize Rocky to such distractions and have no doubt that he will continue to progress throughout his board and train journey.

Pupdate #6

Morning food consumed: 100%

Evening food consumed: 100%

Weight: 15.12

Rocky is doing an awesome job today! It seems like he is really starting to understand all of his commands now and is getting better at walking in the heel position. Today we focused on practicing around large distractions such as dogs, bikes, and people. Please stay tuned to our website to watch Rocky progress his way to offleash training.

Pupdate #7

Morning food consumed: 85%

Evening food consumed: 100%

Weight: 15.10

Today Rocky got to hang out with some of the big does for the first time! In the beginning Rocky was really confused and even tried mounting the other males out of dominant behavior. Aries and Titan paid no attention to that behavior, and once Rocky finally realized that he’s not the alpha dog he thinks he is, he was able to relax and have a fun time with us! This was a very successful socialization lesson for him as he learned how to ignore other dogs that are playing, while we practice all of our commands at the same time.

Pupdate #8

Morning food consumed: 85%

Evening food consumed: 100%

Weight: 15.05

Rocky had an awesome day as he was able to make some new friends while training in Home Depot! His manners with new dogs have drastically improved since the first couple of days he was here with us. Rocky has successfully learned how to ignore strange dogs while working in public and he is now figuring out that jumping on them when greeting them is not the right way to make friends.

Pupdate #9

Morning food consumed: 90%

Evening food consumed: 100%

Weight: 15.23

Rocky’s progress so far has been very impressive! We are making major improvements on managing all types of reactivity towards distractions, maintaining focus while working and more! Please stay tuned to our website in order to view Rocky’s daily progress throughout the duration of his board and train journey.

Pupdate #10

Morning food consumed: 80%

Evening food consumed: 100%

Weight: 15.19

Rocky has had another amazing day of training in Home Depot today! He is mastering all of his commands in public and even starting to learn greeting manners with humans. Please stay tuned to our website in order to watch Rocky learn even more with us throughout his board and train journey!

Pupdate #11

Morning food consumed: 100%

Evening food consumed: 100%

Weight: 15.45

Rocky is doing such an awesome job so far in his board and train journey! He’s completely mastered all of his commands such as sit, down, place and heel, and is having no problem extending them as well. Please stay tuned to our website in order to watch Rocky progress towards off leash training!

Pupdate #12

Morning food consumed:

Evening food consumed:


Rocky’s progress so far has been absolutely phenomenal! He is really starting to get the hang of off leash training and is having a great time while working. Rocky does seem to get distracted sometimes with interesting smells around but his focus while training is looking better than ever! Please stay tuned as we are polishing up Rocky’s off leash obedience just in time for his final.

Pupdate #13

Morning food consumed: 100%

Evening food consumed:100%

Weight: 15.56

Today we are would love to Congratulate Rocky for all of the great accomplishments that he has achieved throughout his two week board and train journey! We are proud to say that Rocky has came a very long way from being a hyperactive and destructive dog to becoming the docile, focused, and well mannered dog. Rocky is almost ready to go back home to his owners and is doing an amazing job mastering the off leash training. Please stay tuned to our website in order to watch Rocky’s training progress even more in his final test at the Valley Plaza Mall!