Remy | Bernadoodle | Woodland Hills, California
Meet Remy! She is a young four month Bernadoodle, joining us for our Three Week Puppy Board and Train Program. She was brought to us because her family wants her to have a well foundation of obedience, to follow commands in public, and to be socialized with the real world! When on walks, Remy lacks leash manners by pulling her owners and zig zagging through their feet. Over the next three weeks we will build a well balanced foundation of obedience, for Remy to enjoy back home with her family.
Pupdate 2:
- Date: June 21st 2022
- Weight: 37.82lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: Today was our first day of training. We trained at home where we had some distractions and were able to really focus on the basics. We went over all five commands with basic leash guidance. Remy also got to meet Feddy and Dante! She was super excited and so happy to see other dogs. Great first day!
Pupdate 3:
- Date: June 22nd 2022
- Weight: 37.8lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: Today we trained over at the park. On leash she was having difficult time with her heel. She tends to stop walking and begin bite the leash and roll around. She loves the place command. She loves to be on elevated surfaces. The place command is a great confidence booster for pups.
Pudpate 4:
- Date: June 23rd 2022
- Weight: 37.72lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: Today we challenged her with new distractions over at the skate park. We mostly emphasized extending the commands while the distractions were around her. She still needs some guidance with her down command. We were able to work on the perimeter of the skatepark as we positively introduced a new environment.
Pupdate 5:
- Date: June 24th 2022
- Weight: 37.83lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: Today Remy had lots of dog socialization! She met with Remy and Gus who then later accepted her into their pack. Later that evening Remy was able to enjoy a nice pack walk! Great job girl!
Pupdate 6:
- Date: June 25th 2022
- Weight: 37.83lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: Today was a hot one so we kept cool during the day. We continue to reinforce all commands. She’s getting really good at extending her commands. She can still rebel against leash pressure but ultimately we must always follow through with the command. Her down needs some more improvement.
Pupdate 7:
- Date: June 26th 2022
- Weight: 37.85lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: It’s officially been one week of training. I see so a lot of improvement in her! She is learning to control her energy a lot more. She does great with her sit command. She’s improving with the down command through the continuous reps we complete. This week we can increase her distractions and switch up her training environments!
Pupdate 8:
- Date: June 27th 2022
- Weight: 37.89lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: It was a hot one so me mostly trained indoors and in the shade. Remy is improving major in her heel. She now loads up into the van when he leave anywhere rather than me picking her up. She does well with other dogs, particularly her size. I’ve noticed with bigger dogs she’s a bit more reserved.
Pupdate 9:
- Date: June 28th 2022
- Weight: 37.88 lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: Today was a chill day at the park. We continue to reinforce all five commands. She is eating normally and drinking water as she pleases. She loves to play with the dogs in the morning. I noticed in the pack she’s the more calm one and follows. Remy is great with adults and children!
Pupdate 10:
- Date: June 29th 2022
- Weight: 37.86 lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: Today I took Remy shopping with me. She was able to walk through the store with the pack! In public I always keep her in a command so her mind doesn’t get distracted. She’s a puppy so every new environment brings out her curiosity. I want her to have positive experiences when in public, therefore I only take her to environments I feel she’ll progress in.
Pupdate 11:
- Date: June 30th 2022
- Weight: 37.86 lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: Today Remy was around lots of my family. She was exposed to kids and elderly people. She did very well around them. They loved her, she was the highlight of the evening !
Pupdate 12:
- Date: July 1st 2022
- Weight: 37.84 lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: Today we trained over at the park. She’s doing much better with her down command. I challenge her by having her extend the command and walking around her. She still needs some leash guidance. Her heel is great and she loves the place cot.
Pupdate 13:
- Date: July 2nd 2022
- Weight: 37.88 lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: Fun day of training today! We took our training out to the beach. She loved the waves going up to her. She enjoyed the day out and was socialized with lots of people.
Pupdate 14:
- Date: July 3rd 2022
- Weight: 37.83 lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: Everyday we continue to reinforce all commands. We extend the command to build her confidence for performing the command. On the daily she get to interact with dogs her size. She’s eating all of her food and drinking water normally. Much more improvement on her potty training this week.
Pupdate 15:
- Date: July 4th 2022
- Weight: 37.89 lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: Great day of training today! Everyday I challenge her though different scenarios. Today we worked heavily on place. This command is great for when you need her to be in one spot. She held the commands as there was movement going on around her.
Pupdate 16:
- Date: July 5th
- Weight: 37.87lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: Over at the park we were able to go through all the commands. In a new environment she was able to place on new objects and perform all commands. Her heel improves each day! She really isn’t a fan of big dogs, she likes dogs her size.
Pupdate 17:
- Date: July 6th 2022
- Weight: 37.82 lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: Great day today training at Lowe’s. She was around so many human distractions. We began in the garden area and eventually made our way into the store. She handled it really well! She is timid if she hears a loud noise or when carts pass her by. Remy has so many fans when she’s in public! Great day of training !
Pupdate 18:
- Date: July 7th 2022
- Weight: 37.68 lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: Great day for Remy! She was able to keep a controlled heel throughout the store with her training mate Oakley. The two got along really well. She performed all commands throughout the store. Great job Remy!
Pupdate 20:
- Date: July 8th 2022
- Weight: 37.76 lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Summary: Day by day Remy continues to in her obedience. She does really well with routine. She does great on heel in a pack and by herself. She now loads up into the crate by herself!