Murphy | Boxer | Northridge, California

This is Murphy, the Boxer from Northridge, California! He joins us for our Two Week Board and Train Program along with his brother Angus. When in public he gets easily distracted and it’s difficult to get his attention. It’s tough taking him to public areas because he pulls on the leash and doesn’t always listen to commands. Over the next two weeks we will socialize him to the outside world and create a well balanced foundation of obedience. Stay tuned for his transformation!


Pupdate 2:

  • Date: July 11th 2022
  • Weight: 77.62lbs
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Summary: Today we trained in a new environment at the park. There were children in the background playing, acting as distractions for Murphy. He did well towards the end of training. He began to get the movement of all the commands. We used leash pressure to guide him into the commands. Once he’s in the command all pressure is released.


Pupdate 3:

  • Date: July 12th 2022
  • Weight: 77.58lbs
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Summary: Over at the park we continue to work on all commands. Now we began to use the e collar. He can be a bit sensitive with pressure because he is unsure at first. As we continue to work he warms up to me and is completing the command ways easier. He does great going in and out of the crate with his brother!


Pupdate 4:

  • Date: July 13th 2022
  • Weight: 77.59lbs
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Summary: Great day of training today. Murphy got to work together with his brother Angus today throughout the day. I started to heel with them together so that they’re used to both being on the same side and following my pace. I continue to use leash pressure to guide them into their commands. Once they adapt to their environment they are more susceptible of holding their commands. Great day of training today!


Pupdate 5:

  • Date: July 14th 2022
  • Weight: 77.61lbs
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Summary: Murphy has warmed up really well. He is learning to not react to when other dogs bark at him. His down command is getting much easier now. He still needs leash guidance but now we can use finger tip pressure. Finger tip pressure is light leash pressure just using my finger tips. He does well extending his commands and is adjusting well to new environments.


Pupdate 6:

  • Date: July 15th 2022
  • Weight: 77.6lbs
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Summary: Great day of training today. They’ve improved a lot since day one so I decided to take them out into the public. We headed to Lowes where they faced a whole new set of distractions. Angus was really excited while Murphy was a bit more reserved. Not too bad for their first time out, looking forward to going to even more new places!


Pupdate 7:

  • Date: July 17th 2022
  • Weight: 77.65lbs
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Summary: Angus and Murphy are living the Hollywood life! Today we went to go visit the Hollywood sign. We were able to walk around the park with each of them individually while other people played with their dogs in the distance. Murphy and Angus were engaged in the training. Later we got home and we were able to practice off leash heel in my yard.


Pupdate 8:

  • Date: July 18th 2022
  • Weight: 77.63lbs
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Summary: Individually they are doing excellent. Together they even do better because they’re the dynamic duo! We continue to reinforce all commands. This week we will focus on improving off leash and increasing the distractions!


Pupdate 9:

  • Date: July 19th 2022
  • Weight: 77.68lbs
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Summary: Today we headed to Home Depot. It’s a new environment with similar noises. Murphy does really well in these environments. Loud noises like the driving of the forklift or even carts can spook Angus because he’s so tiny. When put in a command the two hold until released. If they feel uneasy in a particular area they will sit but will feel uncertain to down. 


Pupdate 10:


  • Date: July 20th 2022
  • Weight: 77.67lbs
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Summary: Over at the park there were so many dogs! Dogs tend to make them react. When they’re together they are more confident so they will try and fixate on the other dogs.  Once we worked though it and set our intentions of training they began to fall in line. They began to understand the other dogs were distractions to their training.


Pupdate 11:

  • Date: July 21st 2022
  • Weight: 77.69lbs
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Summary: Today we tightened up on all commands off leash. Practicing in a gated area to make sure everyone is safe. Murphy is a bit better off leash than Angus. Angus tends to get easier distracted than Murphy. Overall Murphy performs all commands both on and off leash.


Pupdate 12:

  • Date: July 22nd 2022
  • Weight: 77.72lbs
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Summary: Today we mainly focused on reinforcing commands on and off leash. Both are making big improvements in their off leash manners. They know all five commands off leash. It’s important when they’re off leash to always follow through with the command. If they’re confused off leash, no problem, guide them with the leash. 


Pupdate 13: