Gretchen | German Shepherd | Bakersfield, California

Hey guys, Anthony Rivera, Off Leash K9 Training!I have just taken in this adorable 5 month old German Shepherd, Gretchen! Now Gretchen’s owner told me that some of her issues are things such as running away and not coming back when being called. She also has a problem with pulling on the leash! Lastly, their major issue with Gretchen is she only listens to commands on HER terms! If she feels like listening she will, if they are out in public or she’s distracted, she completely ignores commands!Other than that,  Gretchen is a sweet, playful pup! Over the next two weeks I am going to get Gretchen’s obedience reliable, build up her confidence, and make her a well mannered pup! Stay tuned for her AMAZING progress!


Pupdate 2:

  • Date: November 28th, 2022
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Highlights: Today we introduced all five commands (heel, sit, down, come, and place) using just leash pressure. She isn’t too familiar with leash pressure so at first she can be very reactive when guiding her into a command. Day one is in the books and she is settling in really well! She is eating all of her food and drinking water regularly. Great work girl!


Pupdate 3:

  • Date: November 29th, 2022
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Highlights: Today I noticed a big improvement in all commands. Gretchen seems to commit more as she feels more confident after multiple reps she completes. She enjoys walks at night and running around the yard on her free time. We are warming up to each other really well – I’m trusting her more to drop the leash and walk away from her like I did in these pictures. She’s so ADORABLE, enjoy!


Pupdate 4:

  • Date: November 30th, 2022
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Highlights: Gretchen shows lots of enthusiasm when we train. She goes in and out of the crate when it’s time to travel to a location. She is eating all her food. It’s much more easier to control Gretchen, she’s getting a better understanding of all her new commands.


Pupdate 5:

  • Date: December 1st, 2022
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Highlights: Gretchen did really well for her fist time out at Lowe’s. She still gets distracted when you walk in big crowds. In big crowds I noticed she wants to meet everyone. Gretchen has showed major improvement in all of her commands. She can extend her commands for a longer period of time. Great work!


Pupdate 6:

  • Date: December 2nd, 2022
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Highlights: Great work at Home Depot! Gretchen loves the place command. This is great when you need her to be put on her dog bed or any other elevated surface. She is showing so much confidence in all her commands.


Pupdate: 7:

  • Date: December 4th, 2022
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Highlights: Gretchen is doing amazing with her commands. We continue to teach her to utilize the drive she has into positive energy. When in public she knows to be on my left side.


Pupdate 8:

  • Date: December 5th, 2022
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Highlights: Today we finally attempted off leash! Gretchen has improved in her recall so much. Today we were able to perform all commands off leash! She easily goes in and out of the crate. Gretchen LOVES to train. She is so fun to work with!


Pupdate 9:

  • Date: December 6th, 2022
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Highlights: After all the rain we finally had a sunny day of training. We headed over to the Santa Monica Pier where we watched the fishermen reel in some fish. Gretchen was so amazed by the fish! She handled herself really well. Throughout our visit at the pier we had a tight heel and she was performing all her commands on leash! In these environments I would keep Gretchen on a leash because she’s still a pup and has a curious way of thinking. She does really well off leash, in environments like the local park, Lowe’s, Home Depot, and hiking trails.


Pupdate 10:

  • Date: December 7th, 2022
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Highlights: As we continue to proceed with training, we continue to bulk up the distractions in the environments we visit. Today we were able to visit the mall where we saw this big Christmas tree! Gretchen is able to hold her commands for a much longer time now, she even allowed me to take these ADORABLE pictures!


Pupdate 11:

  • Date: December 8th, 2022
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Highlights: Today was a great day for distractions. Gretchen and I both embarked on another beach trip. Gretchen was a lot more confident this time than when we first visited. She’s not a big fan of the water but loves to be around people and enjoy the pier vibes!


Pupdate 12:

  • Date: December 9th, 2022
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Highlights: SUCH GREAT IMPROVEMENT GROM GRETCHEN TODAY! We really nailed off leash heel and other commands today. In our neighborhood we were able to perform off leash commands and really get a feel of off leash freedom. Gretchen has really great recall! It’s important to practice commands on leash first before attempting anything off leash. Trust is a key factor when off leash. There’s a ton of things she can get distracted by and WE must be the most important thing in HER world. Great work GIRL!!!


Pupdate 13:

  • Date: December 10th, 2022
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Highlights: We continue to reinforce all commands both on and off leash. Gretchen loves to go on runs, she is a great jogging partner! Over at the park she she was able to practice place commands on the jungle gym!


Pupdate 14:

  • Date: December 11th, 2022
  • Morning Feed: all
  • Evening Feed: all
  • Training Highlights: Today we trained over at Lowe’s. Gretchen is able to perform all commands off leash when in the store! She loves to visit the garden area where she sniff all the beautiful plants!