Dodger | Goldendoodle | Bakersfield Ca

Let’s welcome Dodger! He is a 6 month old goldendoodle joining us from Bakersfield California. Dodger struggles with manners at home, in public and in environments he is uncomfortable with, he is constantly demand barking and reacting to anything he sees a person or dog doing. Dodger will be taught boundaries and manners since he can often struggle not knowing when playtime is over or when he should settle down. Stay tuned for his transformation over the next 2 weeks!

Weight: 46.11 lbs

Breakfast consumed:

Dinner consumed: All


Pupdate #2

Weight: 46.13 lbs

Breakfast consumed: All

Dinner consumed: All

Training summary: Dodger practiced the fundaments of the air command today. After repetition he understood the feeling of leash pressure and did great. He does put up a bit of a fight when it comes to entering and exiting the crate throughout the day. He is not a fan of this but we do expect that after lots of repetition since he will enter and exit multiple times a day, he will learn to be less opposed.

Pupdate #3

Weight: 46.07 lbs

Breakfast consumed: All

Dinner consumed: All

Training summary: Dodger has been learning to complete the sit & down command around distractions and is slowly but surely catching on. He is often distracted and wants to nip or jump when he feels too much tension on the leash or wants ti get out if any situation so it’s important that we lightly stress him in stimulating environments and quiet ones to overcome these challenges.

Pupdate #4

Weight: 46.37 lbs

Breakfast consumed: All

Dinner consumed: All

Training summary: adding in new distractions daily has been a big challenge, but he has also shown very good progress. Dodger is learning that he doesn’t have to let his anxiety or the overwhelming feeling to chase, get the best of him. we are continuing to build on the fundamentals of what he has already learned and are increasing his duration and distance commands

Pupdate #5

Weight: 46.37 lbs

Breakfast consumed: All

Dinner consumed: All

Training summary: Dodger continues to do great with all commands, we have been extending his extended sit and down command around distractions. This has helped mentally exhaust him and allow him to understand how to relax in public.

Pupdate #6

Weight: 46.15 lbs

Breakfast consumed: All

Dinner consumed: All

Training summary:

Pupdate # 7.

Date: Wednesday May 3rd, 2023

Weight: 46.20 lbs

Breakfast consumed: 100%

Dinner consumed: 100%

Training summary: Dodger loved getting to complete distance and duration commands today around distractions. He is heeling nicely every day and learning to be less excitable when he is in training mode.

Pupdate # 8.

Date: Thursday May 4th, 2023

Weight: 46.35 lbs

Breakfast consumed: 100%

Dinner consumed: 100%

Training summary:

Pupdate # 9.

Date: Sunday May 7th, 2023

Weight: 46,23 lbs

Breakfast consumed: 100%

Dinner consumed: 100%

Training Highlights: Check out handsome dodger working on his distance comannds ! The front yard is a great place to incorporate daily training because this allows him to see that card don’t need to be chased, people/ dogs don’t need to be barked at and what’s most important is whoever is asking him for commands

Pupdate # 10.

Date: Monday May 8th, 2023

Weight: 46,30 lbs

Breakfast consumed: 100%

Dinner consumed: 100%

Training Highlights: Dodger is doing great with completing commands with and without leash pressure. We completed challenges around my cat and worked on duration sit and down commands. He is doing great completing commands between lightly stressful and challenging environments.

Pupdate # 11.

Date: Tuesday May 09th, 2023

Weight: 46,48 lbs

Breakfast consumed: 100%

Dinner consumed: 100%

Training Highlights: Dodger did great at home depot today ! He is learning to respectfully hold commands and respect people and dogs around him. When he gets curious he now learned how to be redirected and go back into training mode.

Pupdate # 12.

Date: Wednesday May 10th, 2023

Weight: 46,38 lbs

Breakfast consumed: 100%

Dinner consumed: 100%

Training Highlights:

Pupdate # 13.

Date: Thursday May 11th, 2023

Weight: 46,25 lbs

Breakfast consumed: 100%

Dinner consumed: 100%

Training Highlights:We worked on more off leash commands today and and practiced during rush hour at the grooming shop. After the day ended Dodger got pampered and was fully bathed! He is looking fresh and doing awesome overall! Great work Dodger!