Bash | Husky/ Labrador Mix | Bakersfield, CA

Bash is a 4-year-old Husky Labrador Mix who joins us today for our 3-week rehabilitation program. Bash struggles with human aggression and his owner’s goal of the program is to gain back a more well-mannered, well-balanced dog who can be more comfortable in public and not always on alert, bash does have a bite history. We will be helping him overcome these struggles and work toward giving his family peace of mind and helping their pup live a happier healthier life.

Pupdate #1

Date: 8/18/22

Pupdate #2

We’re keeping sessions short and fast in order to not add too much pressure to Bash while he learns a new training style. He is responding well to leash pressure and completing duration sit and down.

Pupdate #3

Pupdate #4

Bash continues to do great with confidence building and check out the no muzzle! He’s loving his new skills of getting to hold command wherever he is whether it is a sit or a down command.

Pupdate #5

Pupdate #6

Check out bash hanging out back while the kids and other dogs are splashing around in the pool, great work bud! He’s loving his no muzzle training sessions and building confidence in all the right ways daily

Pupdate #7

Bash is as happy as ever while working out in public and getting to work on his duration and distance commands sprung distractions

Pupdate #8

Pupdate #9

Pupdate #10
Food consumed: All
Weight: 80.02

Pupdate #10
Food consumed: All
Weight: 80.50
Working on duration commands while hanging out at the shop! Bash loves to be curious about who is entering and he’s doing great work with holding command regardless of the other dogs around

Pupdate #11
Food consumed: All
Weight: 79.84
Distance and duration commands with minimal leash guidance and tons of distractions like cars and loud noises have helped Bash become more confident in everything he does!

Pupdate #12
Food consumed: All
Weight: 79.61

Pupdate #13
Food consumed: All
Weight: 79.61
Check out that sweet face, he’s loving his new freedom of being in public more calmly and confidently

Pupdate #14
Food consumed: All
Weight: 79.22