Bash | Husky/ Labrador Mix | Bakersfield, CA
Bash is a 4-year-old Husky Labrador Mix who joins us today for our 3-week rehabilitation program. Bash struggles with human aggression and his owner’s goal of the program is to gain back a more well-mannered, well-balanced dog who can be more comfortable in public and not always on alert, bash does have a bite history. We will be helping him overcome these struggles and work toward giving his family peace of mind and helping their pup live a happier healthier life.
Pupdate #1
Date: 8/18/22
Pupdate #2
We’re keeping sessions short and fast in order to not add too much pressure to Bash while he learns a new training style. He is responding well to leash pressure and completing duration sit and down.
Pupdate #3
Pupdate #4
Bash continues to do great with confidence building and check out the no muzzle! He’s loving his new skills of getting to hold command wherever he is whether it is a sit or a down command.
Pupdate #5
Pupdate #6

Pupdate #7

Pupdate #8
Pupdate #9