Azura | Bernadoodle | Bakersfield, California
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Training Highlights:
Today, we had our training session at the dog park, making good use of the perimeter to maintain a safe distance from potentially “aggressive” pups. Azura tends to get overly excited when meeting new dogs, so the fence provides a helpful barrier to prevent any accidents. Despite the distractions, she’s doing well with her commands, and it’s rewarding to see everything coming together as we continue our training journey.
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Training Highlights:
At the Vineyards Shopping Center, Azura demonstrated exceptional skill. She adeptly maintained command and conducted training amidst noisy distractions. Keep up the excellent work, Azura.
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Training Highlights:
We’re consistently reinforcing commands, and Azura is excelling, particularly with her recall when in public settings. Maintaining consistency in following through with commands is crucial for her continued progress.
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Training Highlights:
We’re staying committed to reinforcing commands with Azura, regularly exposing her to distracting environments and challenging her daily. She’s making great strides, consistently walking on my left side when we’re practicing heel.