Abbie | Golden Pyrenees | Bakersfield, Ca

Abbie is a 4-month-old pup who has joined our 3-week puppy board and train program. Abbie is young and playful so her jumping and manners can sometimes be difficult to manage. We will be teaching Abbie to control her excitable personality when it is training time while also helping her build her confidence in the right areas. Abbie struggles with walking on a leash and will pull for a long time or take constant pauses and ground herself. We cant wait to share her journey with you!

Date: May 16, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- Half

Lunch- 2/3

Dinner- 2/3

Weight: 39.77 lbs


pupdate #2

Date: May 17, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- ALL

Lunch- ALL

Dinner- ALL

Weight: 39.40

Abbie did a great job learning how to follow Aileen and then sit when told to. She was also able to get up when it was time to follow Aileen. Her listening skills were definitely demonstrated today!


pupdate #3

Date: May 18, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- all

Lunch- all

Dinner- all

Weight: 39.5

Abbie has met multiple dog during her stay and is becoming more confident everyday. She loves to play outside and run around and is no longer hiding in every corner she sees. While inside the house she has urinated submissively or when she gets excited but has only had one crate accident so far.

pupdate #4

Date: May 19, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- ALL

Lunch- ALL

Dinner- ALL

Weight: 39.5

Abbie’s social skills were put to the test today! She did a great job socializing with 4 other dogs, 3 of which were close to her size and the other one was little pup! She was friendly and got along great with all of them!

pupdate #5

Date: May 20, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- ALL

Lunch- ALL

Dinner- ALL

Weight: 39.5

Abbie has been extra sweet and extra confident over the last 2 days and has shown me a very playful side of herself. She is always ready for playtime after working on commands at home. Her extended commands have improved snd she was able to complete extended commands around other dogs running around as distractions. She is eating and going potty normally.












pupdate #6

Date: May 21, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- ALL

Lunch- ALL

Dinner- ALL

Weight: 39.52

Abbie did a great job learning how to sit while on a loose leash. She even sat for an extended amount of time when the leash was completely off! Fantastic job today Abbie!

pupdate #7

Date: May 22, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- ALL

Lunch- ALL

Dinner- ALL

Weight: 39.52

Abbie has been doing great with door manners and understanding she has to wait and sit before entering any threshold like doors, crates and even the car. Great work so far Abbie! 

pupdate #8

Date: May 23, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- ALL

Lunch- ALL

Dinner- ALL

Weight: 39.14

Abbie worked on all commands at a brand new park today. She was pretty nervous when it came to climbing new objects to use for the “place” command but eventually came around for the very low objects. I’m going to push for a lot more confidence busking with this sweet girl because it takes some time for her to adjust to new environments. Her duration sits and down commands are coming along well!

pupdate #9

Date: May 24, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- ALL

Lunch- ALL

Dinner- ALL

Weight: 39.3

pupdate #10

Date: May 25, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- ALL

Lunch- ALL

Dinner- ALL

Weight: 39.3

Abbie and I took a trip to home depot where we only worked outside of the garden area in order to slowly get her used to busy environments. She started out pretty nervous and had an accident after skateboard rode by but then did amazing and was super comfortable. She is holding commands very well! Great work Abbie. Yesterday she had 1 potty accident totally to 3 but doing great overall.

pupdate #11

Date: May 26, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- ALL

Lunch- ALL

Dinner- ALL

Weight: 39.23

Today Abby practiced holding command in a busy neighborhood. She stayed sitting on a sidewalk while cars and strangers passed by, and didn’t try to walk away. Great job Abby!

pupdate #12

Date: May 27, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- ALL

Lunch- ALL

Dinner- ALL

Weight: 39.39

Little Abbie went to the beach! Santa Monica Boardwalk was filled with excitement and challenges for Abbie. She had an initial nervous reaction where she was holding commands until she got spooked by a skateboard or helicopter over her, but later became a superstar and was holding commands anywhere!

pupdate #13

Date: May 28, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- ALL

Lunch- ALL

Dinner- ALL

Weight: 39.39

Today Abbie went to Santa Monica where she learned how to take commands on her walk. There were tons of distractions all around her, but when it was time to sit or heel Abbie was a great listener. Keep up the good work Abbie!

pupdate #14

Date: May 29, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- ALL

Lunch- ALL

Dinner- ALL

Weight: 39.38

Abbie took a break from high distraction environments and hung out with a new friend. Charlie the Leonberger was super playful, but calm when asked which helped Abbie to stay calm in this new park. She had a #2 potty accident in the car today and I feel that it is due to her nervousness on long car rides. Though, she has stopped over salivating on long drives and no longer submissively urinates at home or in the car.

pupdate #15

Date: May 30, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- ALL

Lunch- ALL

Dinner- ALL

Weight: 39.38

Today Abbie practiced her greeting manners! She stayed sitting in place at Santa Monica where it is always busy, and when Lizzy came up to greet her she remained seated, calm and patient. Great job Abbie!

pupdate #16

Date: May 31, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- ALL

Lunch- ALL

Dinner- ALL

Weight: 39.37

Today Abbie practiced her puppy socialization skills! She got to play with 3 dogs her size, and 1 teeny, tiny dog. She was gentle and got along great with all of them. The pups love you Abbie!

pupdate #17

Date: June 1, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- ALL

Lunch- ALL

Dinner- ALL

Weight: 39.37

Today Abbie visited Home Depot! She was a great listener when she was told to sit and stay. Home Depot is an easy place to get very distracted and anxious, but Abbie remained calm and stayed close by while walking around. Great job Abbie!

pupdate #18

Date: June 2, 2022

Food Consumed:

Morning- ALL

Lunch- ALL

Dinner- ALL

Weight: 39.37

Abbie girl was a superstar at my local mall today. She was greeted by young children and patiently held the sit and down command. She is loving the attention and understanding when it is training time and playing time, she loves to run around at home when she understands she’s allowed the freedom.