Charlie | Mixed Breed | Bakersfield, California
Charlie was adopted by his wonderful family from a shelter. He will be joining us for our Three Week Board and Train Program. They brought him to us because he struggles with overall obedience, has lots of energy, and needs guidance walking on leash. He’s spent most of his life in a shelter so he can a bit shy in certain environments. Charlie comes from a big, loving family and loves to socialize with other humans. Check daily for his amazing progress!
Pupdate 2:
- Date: September 14th, 2022
- Weight: 29.82lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: Today we began to build our bond and trust together. Through leash guidance I was able to introduce all 5 commands. He can be really reactive with leash pressure, he likes to bite the leash and interrupt our training. Over at Lowe’s he dealt with multiple distractions and was able to complete multiple reps of his commands!
Pupdate 3:
- Date: September 15th, 2022
- Weight: 29.85lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: Today we continued to reinforce all commands on leash in a new environment. We got to train outdoors where Charlie enjoyed nature! He really loves the place command! The more reps we completed the more confidence he gained and began to hop up on there without a doubt ! Great work Charlie!
Pupdate 4:
- Date: September 16th, 2022
- Weight: 29.93lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: We continue to expose Charlie to new environments. He’s doing really great on heel! Now he walks on my left side and isn’t pulling. I also can drop the leash while he holds his sit and down commands! Great improvement!
Pupdate 5:
- Date: September 17th, 2022
- Weight: 30.01lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: We took Charlie on over to face a new environment. Over at the mall he was around lots of new people and distractions. I noticed he gets really excited at the beginning and eventually gets calm after he’s acclimated to the new environment. He is quite the social butterfly and loves to be around people. At the mall Charlie was able to perform all commands with leash guidance!
Pupdate 6:
- Date: September 18th, 2022
- Weight: 30.12lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: Great work from Charlie today. Another day at the mall where he was able to perform his extended down on an elevated object.
Pupdate 7:
- Date: September 19th, 2022
- Weight: 30.12lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: Today we got to work outdoors with Charlie. He continues to improve day in and day out with all his commands. He still needs some leash guidance to get him to down, as we continue to do more reps it becomes easier for him. Great work with his crate manners! He loves the crate and hops right up there!
Pupdate 8:
- Date: September 20th, 2022
- Weight: 30.12lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: It’s been a week of training and Charlie’s progress is AMAZING! He has improved so much on his heel. He stopped biting the leash every time we walk and can walk on a slip lead leash rather than a harness. I find it easier to complete down reps on his doggy bed rather than on the floor.
Pupdate 9:
- Date: September 21st, 2022
- Weight: 30.41lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: We continue to emphasize the down command. Now that he’s completing more of the command by himself, we start to extend the command. Now we practice “down to extended down series”.
Pupdate 10:
- Date: September 22nd, 2022
- Weight: 30.46lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: Charlie continues to face new challenges. Today at the park we were able to reinforce all commands. Charlie is walking on a loose leash heel. He is now on my left side and isn’t pulling on the leash.
Pupdate 11:
- Date: September 23rd, 2022
- Weight: 30.46lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: Charlie continues to be exposed to new environments. Today he got to place on some boulders and let me take these cool pictures! The place command is great to utilize when you need him to be put in a certain area.
Pupdate 12:
- Date: September 24th, 2022
- Weight: 30.46lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: Today we took training to Hollywood! Charlie was around so many people and new distractions. Super proud of him, he performed all commands in a high distracted area! Great work!
Pupdate 13:
- Date: September 25th, 2022
- Weight: 30.46lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: Great work with training today. Day in and day out Charlie continues to improve. He does well with Oliver the Golden Doodle! Great work!
Pupdate 14:
- Date: September 26th, 2022
- Weight: 30.4lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: We continue to reinforce commands daily. He now performs all commands on and off leash! Great work!
Pupdate 15:
- Date: September 27th, 2022
- Weight: 30.49lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: Charlie continues to improve off leash commands! He does really well around public distractions and loves to be around other dogs. He is eating all of his food and is drinking water regularly. Keep up the great work!
Pupdate 16:
- Date: September 28th, 2022
- Weight: 30.49lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: Today we enjoyed an off leash walk near the lake. It was super peaceful and enjoyable with Charlie. He stayed by my side off leash and was performing all commands. He’s really enjoyable in public and always loves to train!
Pupdate 17:
- Date: September 29th, 2022
- Weight: 30.5lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: Charlie continues to be a superstar, building his confidence in performing all commands. He is super fun to have off leash! He is performing all commands on and off leash!
Pupdate 18:
- Date: September 30th, 2022
- Weight: 30.52lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: We continue to keep his commands on point. Charlie is super responsive to his commands. He can perform extended commands until he’s released. These commands are great for scenarios like threshold manners. Important thresholds can be the gate of your home, the door entrance of your home, the entrance of a store.
Pupdate 19:
- Date: October 1st, 2022
- Weight: 30.51 lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: It’s a doggy dog world! All the pups got to meet my dogs Freddy and Dante today. They were able to socialize with confident and calm dogs to keep positive correlations with all dogs. It’s important I let them socialize with dogs I know rather than another random dog at the dog park. Great work!
Pupdate 20:
- Date: October 2nd, 2022
- Weight: 30.55 lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: Today we challenged Charlie’s place command with the “place to place” command. Essentially this commands means Charlies goes from one place spot to another on command. I guide him with the leash first to build confidence and repetition. Once I feel he’s getting the hang of things I then let him try it off leash!
Pupdate 21:
- Date: October 3rd, 2022
- Weight: 30.58 lbs
- Morning Feed: all
- Evening Feed: all
- Training Highlights: Over at Hollywood Charlie was able to enjoy the environment. We were able to hang out in crowded areas and also reinforce commands. He continues to be calm and confident in environments like these. Outstanding work Bud!