
Calvin | Pitbull Mix | Bakersfield, CA

Please welcome Calvin! This handsome guy is joining our program to work on his obedience, manners and rehabilitation. Calvin is human and dog reactive so we will be working on ensuring his owners can manage him more comfortably. We will be working on all commands with Calvin to ensure his owners have confidence in working with him. He has attacked his sister so we hope to teach him how to be respectful around other dogs and people. Stay tuned for his training journey!

Weight: 91.4lbs

Pupdate #2

Weight: 91.5

Breakfast consumed: 75%

Dinner consumed: 75%

Pupdate #3

Weight: 91.2

breakfast consumed: 75%

dinner consumed: 80%

Calvin is doing a pretty good job adjusting to the new environment around him. Today we took our training sessions slow and focused completing good reps of the sit command. Calvin is beginning to build trust with his handler but is still very unsure about other strangers. Sometimes Calvin does try to go after a stranger walking by, and on one occasion, he tried to attack our trainer Jaylyn. Calvin was still able to successfully continue training after each of those situations and will keep improving his behaviors. Please stay tuned to our website as we will work on building more reliable obedience, trust, and confidence with Calvin in order to be comfortable with removing his muzzle for good!

Pupdate #4

Weight: 91.2

Breakfast consumed: 75%

Dinner consumed: 76%

Calvin is still adjusting to the new schedule and is showing progress every day. He is getting a lot back at completing all of his commands. We are still working on building more trust with between us and slowly building confidence in public.

Pupdate #5

Breakfast consumed: 75%

Dinner consumed: 75%

Weight: 90.9

Today Calvin seemed to enjoy out training’s sessions little more, which is a major accomplishment! He is getting better at completing all of his commands faster and building confidence daily. Please stay tuned to our website in order to watch Calvin’s daily progress!

Pupdate #6

Breakfast consumed: 75%

Dinner consumed: 80%

Weight: 90.9

Today Calvin had a very productive day of training! He is really starting to show major improvements in his behavior and is getting a little more trusting of new people now. We hope you enjoy this short clip of Calvin practicing some of his daily repetitions.

Pupdate #7

Breakfast consumed: 75%

Dinner consumed: 80%

Weight: 90.81

Today was a very successful day for Calvin! He is certainly showing promising signs of Progress as we are now working on decreasing his reactive behaviors around plenty of new distractions. Today Calvin was able to successfully complete some of his reputations around another one of our boarding dogs names Mylo and did an amazing job! Please stay tuned to our website in order to check Calvins Progress throughout the rest of his two week board and train journey.

Pupdate #8

Breakfast consumed: 80%

Dinner consumed: 90%

Weight: 90.75

Calvin is on a roll with another successful day of training! He is really starting to show a lot more trust with his trainers and completing commands a lot quicker than before. Today we focused heavily on teaching him how to master the down command, using a blanket to encourage him more. Stay tuned to our website in order to watch Calvin continue to progress daily!

Pupdate #9

Breakfast consumed: 80%

Dinner consumed: 95%

Weight: 90.69

For today’s training sessions we focused on completing repetitions around more dog distractions. Calvin is doing an amazing job learning how to ignore and work past other dogs. He is definitely getting a lot more comfortable as he is eating more of his food now. Calvin is also getting better at completing and holding extended commands until released. One thing we are still working on improving is maintaining focus around more human distractions. Please stay tuned to our website in order to watch Calvin progress each day of his board and train journey!

Pupdate #10

Morning food consumed: 75%

Evening food consumed: 90%

Weight: 90.6

Calvin is making great progress as we are working on maintaining focus with other distractions around. We hope you enjoy this short clip of Calvins daily training sessions with featuring Mylo. Please stay tuned to our website in order to view Calvin’s progress from each day of his board and train journey!

Pupdate #11

Breakfast consumed: 80%

Dinner consumed: 90%

Weight: 90.46

Today Calvin seemed to be a lot more relaxed during our training sessions. He is showing that he is really starting to understand all of his newly mastered commands. Calvin is also getting a lot better at working in public around human and dog distractions. We are excited to see how much progress he can make by the end of his board and train journey!

Pupdate #12

Breakfast consumed: 90%

Dinner consumed: 100%

Weight: 90.45

Todays daily training sessions were kept short and easy as we are focusing on sharpening up Calvin’s basic obedience. Calvin is doing a fantastic job and is really starting to get the hang of completing each of his basic obedience commands. Please stay tuned to our website in order to view Calvin’s progress from each day of his board and train journey!

Pupdate #13

Breakfast consumed: 90%

Dinner consumed: 100%

Weight: 90.38

Today Calvin showed signs of major progress while working around new public settings! As we practiced our training around Home Depot we noticed lots of progress in Calvin’s confidence around strangers and other directions such as shopping carts. Stay tuned to our website as we are looking forward to continue taking Calvin out for some more socializing in real world situations.

Pupdate #14

Breakfast consumed: 90%

Dinner consumed: 100%

Weight: 90.15

Today we would like to say congratulations to Calvin for successfully completing his two week board and train program! Calvin has came a very long way throughout his training journey. We are proud of him for learning how to control his impulses around people, dogs, and building lots of confidence in public settings. He has also improved on kennel training and is now going in there all on his own! Calvins progress with us so far has been very impressive and we hope he will continue to show progression as he goes back home to his owners!